
Why do quantum information scientists prefer hamburgers to steaks?


Earlier this week, we published this quantum joke on LinkedIn and asked members to submit their favorite quantum joke.

Here's what we received:

  • Why do quantum information scientists prefer hamburgers to steaks? Because the hamburger is already in a ground state. (from Paul Lipman, ColdQuanta)
  • What's the favorite video game of Schrodinger's cat? "Half-life"
  • The answer to all questions about quantum tech is "yes and no". (From Shahin Khan: Analyst and author)
  • What did one photon in a quantum sensor say to another? “I am sick of your interference!” (from Santanu Ganguly, Cisco)
  • Why did the Physicist eat a photon at midday? Because she wanted a light lunch! (from John Barnes, Quantum Careersmith)
  • People at my work are subject to quantum effects They behave differently if a supervisor is observing. (also from Santanu Ganguly)
  • The only thing certain about the quantum jokes is the uncertainty to make the other laugh ! (Dr. Angue Curry)
  • and it's also hard to sustain a cryo-hotdog... (Oren Eliezer)
  • I prefer having steak when I'm in an excited state. (from Jack Krupansky, Freelance consultant)
  • Quantum jokes are like protons, always positive! (also from John Barnes)

What's your favorite?

Earlier this week, we published this quantum joke on LinkedIn and asked members to submit their favorite quantum joke.

Here's what we received:

  • Why do quantum information scientists prefer hamburgers to steaks? Because the hamburger is already in a ground state. (from Paul Lipman, ColdQuanta)
  • What's the favorite video game of Schrodinger's cat? "Half-life"
  • The answer to all questions about quantum tech is "yes and no". (From Shahin Khan: Analyst and author)
  • What did one photon in a quantum sensor say to another? “I am sick of your interference!” (from Santanu Ganguly, Cisco)
  • Why did the Physicist eat a photon at midday? Because she wanted a light lunch! (from John Barnes, Quantum Careersmith)
  • People at my work are subject to quantum effects They behave differently if a supervisor is observing. (also from Santanu Ganguly)
  • The only thing certain about the quantum jokes is the uncertainty to make the other laugh ! (Dr. Angue Curry)
  • and it's also hard to sustain a cryo-hotdog... (Oren Eliezer)
  • I prefer having steak when I'm in an excited state. (from Jack Krupansky, Freelance consultant)
  • Quantum jokes are like protons, always positive! (also from John Barnes)

What's your favorite?

About "The Qubit Guy's Podcast"

Hosted by The Qubit Guy (Yuval Boger, our Chief Marketing Officer), the podcast hosts thought leaders in quantum computing to discuss business and technical questions that impact the quantum computing ecosystem. Our guests provide interesting insights about quantum computer software and algorithm, quantum computer hardware, key applications for quantum computing, market studies of the quantum industry and more.

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